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Erasmus w Zespole Szkół w Wąbrzęźnie

    Tradycja projektów spod znaku Erasmusa zapoczątkowana została kilka lat temu w Zespole Szkół Zawodowych w Wąbrzeźnie, który to stał się częścią nowo powstałej jednostki edukacyjnej jaką jest Zespół Szkół w Wąbrzeźnie. W tymże zespole, projekty te są kontynuowane.

Dla Naszej szkoły, jest niezwykle prestiżowe, że możemy brać udział w tak dużym, międzynarodowym przedsięwzięciu, które promuje przede wszystkich wzmacnianie kompetencji językowych oraz relacji międzyludzkich. Nasi uczniowie, a także nauczyciele, spotykając się z przedstawicielami innych narodów, wzbogacają się o nowe doświadczenia, uczą komunikacji za pomocą języka angielskiego, a także poznają inne spojrzenie na świat, poznając kulturę, zwyczaje i tradycje naszych przyjaciół biorących udział w projektach.

Wizyty uczestników projektu z innych krajów, to wielkie święto dla szkoły, ponieważ, z naszymi przyjaciółmi z innych krajów mogą zapoznać się wszyscy uczniowie naszej szkoły. Jest to okazja do wymiany doświadczeń, ale także rozwijania pasji podróżowania i poznawania otaczającego świata.

Od samego początku nad projektami spod znaku Erasmusa czuwają nasze dwie nauczycielki języka angielskiego. Są to pani mgr Aleksandra Ługiewicz oraz pani mgr Hanna Kowalska.

Obecnie trwające projekty na lata 2019 – 2022 to:

  • Collective Action for Respect and Empathy

  • Communication is an Art

  • New Era in Education

W latach poprzednich natomiast zrealizowano następujące projekty:

  • 2013-2015. Comenius project S.O.S. Time
  • 2015- 2017 Erasmus+ Access to School for Everyone
  • 2016 PO WER - Ready, Steady, Work! - Projekt realizowany dla ekonomistów i hotelarzy (Praktyki w Portugalii)
  • 2017 Logistyk- Zawód z Przyszłością – Praktyki w Niemczech

W zakładce niniejszej strony, a także na stronie Zespołu Szkół Zawodowych, możecie się drodzy państwo zapoznać z informacjami odnośnie powyższych projektów, ich przebiegu a także wytworzonych produktów i rezultatów.Sądzimy, że jest niezwykle ważne nie tylko dla szkoły, jako jednostki edukacyjnej, ale też dla całej naszej lokalnej społeczności, że nazwa Wąbrzeźno i Zespół Szkół pozostaje we wspomnieniach i nie jest obca, dla naszych przyjaciół z innych krajów.



The partnership consists of 6 schools where we have successfully cooperated. (Poland, Turkey, Romania, Spain, France) Our schools in changing world, in the new Age of education, identify imroving the quality of education as a need for the 21st century skills and competencies. Since partner schools are vocational high schools and general high schools, the future of our students and their employment have priority. We are passing from the industrial age to the information revolution. Some things are clearly changing. Can we ensure that all of our students become entrepreneurs, creative and artists without classifying whether they are successful or not? In these days when we talk about Industry 4.0, the contribution of experts and multidirectional individuals to the economy will be multi-faceted rather than workers with equal and standardized skills.

The goal of the project; For our teachers and students, it is necessary to create the school environments and the innovative environments required for the use of ICT where education can be done everywhere.

In this, teachers and students can be integrated into the course to recognize the tools of the ICT, by using new methods, providing to produce teaching materials. Rather than fearing technology, it is toteach how, where and why it should be used as a mean of learning. Boring school environments have a negative impact on teachers and students. Based on his fundamental problem, we have collaborated to develop techniques that will enable our students to learn permenantly and with fun.

Course environments, materials, planning, teacher and student education. In the new age, we have designed works that will enable students and teachers to look at innovative, creative and different perspectives.

The aim of our project is to increase the quality in our trainings.

- To enable teachers to learn how to improve their skills and to produce something new, ie with ICT tools;

- Support the provision and evaluation of core competencies.

The methodology used is designed to encourage the students to use their own technology and learn, encourage them to research and teach. Results of activities:

-To create an environment where they can express themselves better and produce;

- Develop digital literacy with digital portfolios to prepare;

- Ensure that innovative practices in education are addressed through supporting collaborative learning and critical thinking;

- eTwinning activities among the partners of the school, mainly involving teachers and students.

Finally, the European dimension of school education is expected to be strengthened.

To promote continuous international cooperation among schools, to contribute to the Professional development of staff and to encourage language learning and to increase intercultural awareness among students, teachers, staff and parents.



The Effective Communication - Communication skills of the project reunites five European schools from the European country as Poland, Estonia Latvia, Romania and Turkey.

As an honest communication is that the heart of happy social relationships, and act well between us can increase the tendency of creating folks additional inclined to assist and show their support thinking. Through his project we tend to shall draw the eye on however communication is known and tutored.

Communication could be a method of perpetual growth, crucial self-reflection, based within the profound appreciation of collaboration and people’s ability to attach and move with one another. At a worldwide level it is detected a visual gap between the theoretical half faculties promote and also the sensible part required by employers.

Communication skills are a necessity for prospering inclusion of teenagers of various ages from different socio-cultural backgrounds. Being awake to the way to address to different folks In numerous circumstances, of once and wherever to specific opinions can facilitate students to be additional employable in an exceedingly century where human connections are key skills to cater to a developing automatic manpower.

The project team acknowledges the worth of communication skills for college kids as an academic goal that helps develop students’ employability skills. The most aim of the project is to BOOT students’ communication skills.

The specific project objectives are: to raise awareness concerning communication and its issues among 250 students returning from five EU faculties throughout a 2 years project,to observe the communication method among students from five EU faculties ,to enhance students’ communication skills(presentation skills, address, society, intercultural communication) by exchanging their personal and cultural experiences,to encourage students to use ICT to speak with impact

The project was designed considering the subsequent four sub-stages: Verbal & Non-verbal

Communication, Barriers of Communication, communication, and electronic communication. These sub-stages can facilitate US manufacture the subsequent concrete results:


-Erasmus+ corners

-logo of the project

-presentations of the project partners

-1 silent theater play

-1 e-booklet

-6 container Messages Boxes

-6 shows “Communicating for Understanding”

-1 common song

-1 common calendar

-1 exhibition “Create to Communicate”

-6 digital stories “My country’s contribution to the ecu cultural heritage”

-1 travel manual

-2 sites of the project

-promotional materials: flyers, bookmarks

-DVD of the project

            The project will last for 2 college years and there'll be one short-run joint workers coaching event within the PL and four short-term exchanges of teams of pupils in noble metal, EE, LV, RO and TR. The project can involve high school students (14-19 years old), teachers, the local people, stakeholders and also the native media. a complete range of 300 students (50 students/ school) are going to be directly concerned within the project, attending activities organized at a neighborhood level, from that eighty students (16 students/ school) can attend the international conferencestogether with forty lecturers (8 teachers/ school). There will be organized team building activities (e.g.city games, blindfold games, downside finding, etc.) and it'll facilitate participants to appreciate the approach they categorical themselves, the accuracy of their messages, and importance of a transparent communication. The direct interaction with EU students, shows, cluster activities, creative moments (prepared for the official openings), and intercultural activities can facilitate participants to know the communication processes in different EU colleges. Students’ communication skills are going to be increased as they'll have the chance to exchange personal and cultural experiences, develop their presentation skills, speech, society, intercultural communication skills and

competences.Thinking about semipermanent edges of this partnership, the standard of the education method are going to be redoubled, the development plans are going to be developed and also the image of the college will be improved at a neighborhood, regional and national level. Cooperating with six EU countries can contribute to understand the national values and also the instructional importance of promoting the EU cultural heritage.



   Bullying is serious problem in schools and it occurs throughout the world. In the Global Status Report,it is stated that 246 million children experience bullying every year. According to ISPCC report,1 in 5 young people across Europe have been bullied either online or offline.In the study of EU 'How to prevent and tackle bullying and school violence' , in Lithuania ,the rate of bullying is 32%,In Romania and Bulgaria it’s 35%, in Turkey 31% ,in Poland 15%. In addition to that at schools:In Lithuanian partner, 34 in 100 students have experienced a bullying.In Turkey it is 36 and 23,In Bulgaria 40, in Romania 43 and in Poland it is 23.These high rates forced us to tackle with the problem in our schools and at local level.Those who are bullied are more likely to be depressed ,to be unable to concentrate in class, to attempt suicide, to be afraid to go to school or to leave school.So we shouldn’t see bullying as a typical 'kids’ thing' to be ignored. We believe that bullying is promoted

in an environment in which the problem is not taken seriously and that bullying can be reduced in an environment in which there is a consensus that any type of bullying will not be tolerated.In our Project aims to foster the cooperation among school staff, parents ,students and local authorities to have a common understanding of the problem and to see bullying as a serious issue. As indicated above the problem is a main challenge that all countries have to deal with to make schools safer places to learn and interact positively with others.To achieve this, we will exchange opinions and good practises with partner schools which have been tackling with the bullying phenomenon in the European aspect.We will focus on teenagers between 14-18 years old. Our project aims;to reduce the bullying rates in the communities involved in the project by the help of an efficient anti-bullying programme, to foster the values of concern for others, respect for human rights, and a culture of peace and nonviolence,to develop an awareness in the society about bullying, to improve the ICT skills and linguistic competence and group working skills,to encourage our students to express themselves ,gain selfesteem and take a stand against any type of bullying using creative activities like drama and making short films and to implement the European dimension amongst participants, encourage them for internationalization ,being openminded.In our project, we will promote open communication at schools and at home, because the victims of bullying tends to hide their experiences from adults,To stop bullying we should encourage the victims to share their experience and we can do this by enhancing their self esteem.

We are six partners in this project:

1.The coordinator Zespol Szkol Zawodowych in Wabrzezno from Poland is a technical college and vocational school that provides technical classes like logistics, mechatronics, mechanics, tourism management, hotel management, vocational ones.

2. Sarayönü Mehmet Emine Akdoğan Anadolu Lisesi from Turkey is a public High School for pupils aged between 14-18.

3. Liceul Tehnologic Vladeni from Romania provides education to 920 students out of which 112 students in the lower and upper secondary levels and 221 in the professional fields.

4. Kelmes specialioji mokykla is a special school which provides primary and basic special education for 7-21 years old SEN persons in Lithuania.

5. Profesionalna gimnaziya po selsko stopanstvo I transport “N.Y. Vapcarov” from Bulgaria is a voc. The other short-term exchanges of groups of pupils will be in Bulgaria on 'Drama for overcoming bullying behaviour' .

6. Muharrem Hasbi Anadolu Lisesi is a high school in Balıkesir which is a city in the west of Turkey. In the school there are 550 students aged 14-18 and 41 teachers.

Most of the staff have enough experience and got training on project management to coordinate an international project. As a short term joint-staff training, In Romania,a seminar 'What can teachers / parents do to stop bullying and cyber bullying?' will be given to the participants.We will prepare leaflets and deliver to the school and local community.Our second joint staff training event will be held in Poland abort 'Character Education' .We will ensure the school community to interiorise the virtues by creating touchstones expressing the core values that our students agreed upon using sentences like 'We respect each other.' /'We treat each other as we wanted to be treated'. Experts say that; 'A bully is five times more likely to have a serious criminal record by the time he or she reaches the age of 30.' So, if we do not stop it at school age by engaging in collective action, that behavior extends into adultlife. This means that our project is expected to have a longlife impact on students and society.

Produkty wytworzone w ramach projektu

 Żółta skrzynka S.O.S Box 


Szkolny system wsparcia ucznia - żółta skrzynka S.O.S. BOX to inicjatywa szkolnego klubu Erasmus+ w ramach projektu Collective Action for Respect and Empathy.

Skrzynka jest umieszczona na drzwiach gabinetu pedagoga szkolnego.

To swego rodzaju „telefon zaufania”.

Opiekunem działania jest Pan Zbigniew Izdebski, nasz pedagog szkolny. Jest on zawsze gotowy pomóc, wysłuchać, porozmawiać, udzielić rady i znaleźć rozwiązanie w trudnej dla Was sytuacji.

Jeśli zauważysz coś niepokojącego, co dzieje się na terenie szkoły, napisz- wrzuć wiadomość do żółtej skrzynki lub poinformuj nauczyciela.


Film na temat zjawiska Bullingu



Konkurs na plakat #ERASMUS DAYS



I miejsce - Meksyk IITŻ/TI

II miejsce - JaponiaITM/THO

III miejsce - Holandia ITL








Produkty w ramach projektu


Collectiv Produkty

IMG 1228






System of education in Poland  pdf

Poland - Romania  pdf

Unia Polsko-Litewska/Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth  pdf

The Battle of Varna  pdf

What you should know about Poland pdf










Artykuł w lokalnej gazecie CWA na temat #ERASMUSDAYS w ZS Wąbrzeźno

Kolejna udane impreza językowa w Zespole Szkół w Wąbrzeźnie, opisana przez zewnętrzne media.


Poniżej link do pełnego artykułu na stronie CWA
